Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Success Tip #38 - DON'T BRING THE CHEESE

You brought the cheese but mice prefer peanut butter.

Now that you have built a better mousetrap, it’s simply a matter of getting the mice to participate. Don’t let your imagination run wild on the negative side. This “mousetrap” captures, educates and releases the proverbial mouse. Anyway, the point of this blog post is to show you that the key to attracting the ideal client is to offer them what it is they say they want.

For example, traditionally when we think of a mousetrap, we think of using cheese as the bait. That’s the way it has always been. But a few years ago, I ran into a Master Mouse Trapper. His secret to success was the knowledge of this one fact: mice prefer peanut butter. While others around him were busy throwing cheese at the mice and not being very successful, the mice were actually drawn to his offer. In all my life, I had never heard that mice actually preferred peanut butter.
The point is, if you wish to attract the ideal client, make sure your offer is something they actually want. Too many times we get frustrated because no one seems to understand that we only want to help them. Stop focusing on what you want (to help people with your product/service) and focus on what they want.

How do you find out what the people want? The easiest way is to ask them. Submit a simple question to your ideal client such as: If you could only solve one problem with your business, what would it be? Take this question and drop it in the middle of all your focus groups, meetups and social media groups where your ideal clients gather and see what the answer is. Then, take a look at your product or service and determine how what you have to offer is exactly what they want.

When dealing with your ideal client, the best strategy is to give them what they need (your freebie), and sell them what they want. 

Remember this success tip: Don’t bring the cheese when the mice prefer peanut butter.

If you struggle with giving the people what they want, let me help you adapt your product or service for your ideal client. For a complimentary strategy session, email me at successinlifeti@gmail.com

Coach EJ
Mission:  I help Christian business women get to their wealthy place.

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