Thursday, March 5, 2015

Success Tip #35 - ACTIVATE!

Sisters in the Marketplace:

How many times have you written out your goals? How many times have you written a vision statement? You know, "Write the vision and make it plain, so that all who see it may run?" I cannot even tell you how many times I have written and re-written the vision - only to see it flounder.
What was I doing wrong? Why was no one picking up the vision and running with it? Isn't that what the verse of scripture said? No doubt, you have experienced this in in your ministry or business.

This morning the Spirit of the Lord woke me up with one word, "ACTIVATE"! This unction was so powerful that as I opened up my eyes the word "activate" popped out of my mouth. As I meditated on that word, I began to think on things that are voice activated:

  •  hand-held cassette recorders (back in the day)
  • toys that were voice activated
  • IPhones - voice activated (Call home) and it dials your home number
And then it hit me. Our whole universe is voice-activated! God designed it that way from the beginning. Genesis Chapter 1, and God said, Let there be... and there was! Then he handed the responsibility over to Adam (earth man) and Adam became a "speaking spirit" (original translation). His first assignment was to speak (activate)! God brought the animals to the "earth man" and the "earth man" spoke their names. - Genesis 2:19 Whatever he said they were, they are to this day.

Success in life is a result of the same voice-activation process! Speak the word of life. - Proverbs 18:21 Before we get to verse 21 though, let's examine verse 20 - "With the fruit of a man's mouth, his stomach will be satisfied. He will be satisfied with the product of his lips.: -Proverbs 18:20

Wherever you are in life right now is a result of the words you have spoken continually. You activated something in your life and it may not have been what you truly desired. To activate means to set in motion. Joshua was given an instruction by God to "voice activate" his own prosperity and success in life. "Keep this book of the law on your lips. Meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and succesful." - Joshua 1:8 God gave Joshua two simple steps to success in life: meditate and move out (to do). 

Whatever God has spoken to you, voice-activate it! Start talking about it! Meditate on it day and night! Decide to observe to do something with what has been spoken to you. If you will activate the word of God given to you, you will hear instructions as how to plan for it to come to pass. And plan you must. Then, once you plan, you must work (activate) the plan. Put it in motion.

Talk is cheap. Anybody and everybody does it. Action is expensive, but you cannot afford not to do it. Inactivity will cost you the vision. ACTIVATE!


As a marketplace apostle (that's what God called me), sisters, I am set in your midst to bring you to your wealthy place. I'm inviting you to a tele-class to be held on March 12, 2:00 pm to learn the secrets to your own personal success - in ministry or in business. Go to the website now and register for the class "Funding the Ministry From Within-Secrets to Divine Protection". 

Remember, you are not here to be average; you are here to be awesome!

Apostle Ej, Your marketplace Apostle

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