Monday, March 30, 2015

Success Tip #40 BE THE CHANGE

Be The Change

I felt my self waking up and I knew it was time to arise. I had committed myself to Benjamin Franklin’s mantra: Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. It was still dark outside and a small rectangular patch of light softly bathed my room from the security light in the parking lot. As I lay very still and waited, I heard him say, “You know it works, but quit trying to tell them and show them. The techniques of the program you want to share, the benefits of taking action, stepping into the six-figure arena—don’t just tell them show them. Be the change”. The light bulb – yes, the proverbial light bulb, came on over my head. Be the change you want to see. Don’t just talk about it. Be the light that leads them out of darkness. Though he spoke softly it sounded like thunder to my spirit man.

The "Be the Change" event is in May 2015 and I had opted out of being there, even though there was that little nagging thought at the back of my mind saying "you need to be there". There was another voice saying “no, it costs too much, you don’t have the funds, you’ll just be disappointed again, don’t waste the money" and a number of other excuses. You know, the ones that pin your feet to the floor and keep you from doing the thing you know you must do.

I realized that I had been declaring to others with great assurance and enthusiasm how they could have anything they wanted or be anything they wanted. All that is necessary is to decide what you want, visualize that one thing on a daily basis, decide on a definite plan, and take action every day. I am one of the greatest teachers in the world and others tell me so, but when it came down to where the rubber meets the road, instead of practicing what I preached, I pulled out my bag of excuses and returned to “logic and reason.” I had been awakened at 5:00 am in more ways than one. Now it was 5:15 and time to get it done.

I had just emerged from the wilderness and like Moses, he was asking me to go back and show others the way.  Moses had left his comfort zone abruptly in order to help others. The truth is, that’s the only way to leave your “comfort zone”.  And I found out, the comfort “zone” isn't a “zone” at all.  It’s a thin line drawn in the sand and life is taunting us saying, “I dare you to step over it.” 

We stand trembling as if we know that should we take the dare, it would mean sudden death. Stepping over the line is not sudden death; it is the entrance to the life we were born to live.  

Like the walls of Jericho, the Comfort Zone Wall seems impenetrable but with God all things are possible. Jericho’s wall came down and so will mine and yours. Walk around it 7 days if that is what God is telling you, then shout and go forward. The wall is weakening with each step we take.

Today I decide to step over the line and live the life I was born to live. I know you probably are already being the change you want to see in others, but as for me, I had to break through some old mindsets. It was and is a journey. I’m writing a book about it called “Murder of a Mindset”. It’s gonna be a thriller. And oh yeah, I've changed my mind. I'm going to the Be The Change Event in Orlando May 2015.

In the beginning, God visited Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and talked with them in the cool of the day. He still comes to the Adam (earth man) and wakes me with the sound of his voice.

Apostle EJ
MarketPlace Apostle
Success In Life Training Institute (visit our page on Facebook)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Success Tip #38 - DON'T BRING THE CHEESE

You brought the cheese but mice prefer peanut butter.

Now that you have built a better mousetrap, it’s simply a matter of getting the mice to participate. Don’t let your imagination run wild on the negative side. This “mousetrap” captures, educates and releases the proverbial mouse. Anyway, the point of this blog post is to show you that the key to attracting the ideal client is to offer them what it is they say they want.

For example, traditionally when we think of a mousetrap, we think of using cheese as the bait. That’s the way it has always been. But a few years ago, I ran into a Master Mouse Trapper. His secret to success was the knowledge of this one fact: mice prefer peanut butter. While others around him were busy throwing cheese at the mice and not being very successful, the mice were actually drawn to his offer. In all my life, I had never heard that mice actually preferred peanut butter.
The point is, if you wish to attract the ideal client, make sure your offer is something they actually want. Too many times we get frustrated because no one seems to understand that we only want to help them. Stop focusing on what you want (to help people with your product/service) and focus on what they want.

How do you find out what the people want? The easiest way is to ask them. Submit a simple question to your ideal client such as: If you could only solve one problem with your business, what would it be? Take this question and drop it in the middle of all your focus groups, meetups and social media groups where your ideal clients gather and see what the answer is. Then, take a look at your product or service and determine how what you have to offer is exactly what they want.

When dealing with your ideal client, the best strategy is to give them what they need (your freebie), and sell them what they want. 

Remember this success tip: Don’t bring the cheese when the mice prefer peanut butter.

If you struggle with giving the people what they want, let me help you adapt your product or service for your ideal client. For a complimentary strategy session, email me at

Coach EJ
Mission:  I help Christian business women get to their wealthy place.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


"Don't imitate. Innovate."  My eyes were just barely opening and I hear that familiar still small voice. It seems that this was going to be a series of very fortunate events as the Spirit spoke again, the day after he said “Activate.”  As you move out in your field, don’t forget to be uniquely you. If mousetraps are your passion, don’t just buy them. Build them.  Why shouldn't you build a better mousetrap? So what if there are a thousand companies that are already building mousetraps? What is that to you?
What others are doing has nothing to do with your own creativity and productivity. Take time out to allow your imagination to work overtime. You will be amazed at the number of ideas that have not yet been done.  Life is filled with abundance and with the potential to produce more.
You are greater than you’re letting on. Today is not the day to play it small. Today is the day to do it BIG! Stop tiptoeing through life and really leave your footprint.  There's greatness in you and it's screaming to get out. Let YOUR light shine. I promise you it will take nothing from those around you. It can only add to them.Let today be the day you give yourself permission to share your greatness with the world in a big, innovative way, and always remember, you are not here to be average. You are here to be awesome!

I'd like the chance to share with you how you can build a better mousetrap. Take advantage of a complimentary strategy session. Schedule one with me today at

Coach EJ
Coachpreneur to Christian Business Women 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Success Tip #35 - ACTIVATE!

Sisters in the Marketplace:

How many times have you written out your goals? How many times have you written a vision statement? You know, "Write the vision and make it plain, so that all who see it may run?" I cannot even tell you how many times I have written and re-written the vision - only to see it flounder.
What was I doing wrong? Why was no one picking up the vision and running with it? Isn't that what the verse of scripture said? No doubt, you have experienced this in in your ministry or business.

This morning the Spirit of the Lord woke me up with one word, "ACTIVATE"! This unction was so powerful that as I opened up my eyes the word "activate" popped out of my mouth. As I meditated on that word, I began to think on things that are voice activated:

  •  hand-held cassette recorders (back in the day)
  • toys that were voice activated
  • IPhones - voice activated (Call home) and it dials your home number
And then it hit me. Our whole universe is voice-activated! God designed it that way from the beginning. Genesis Chapter 1, and God said, Let there be... and there was! Then he handed the responsibility over to Adam (earth man) and Adam became a "speaking spirit" (original translation). His first assignment was to speak (activate)! God brought the animals to the "earth man" and the "earth man" spoke their names. - Genesis 2:19 Whatever he said they were, they are to this day.

Success in life is a result of the same voice-activation process! Speak the word of life. - Proverbs 18:21 Before we get to verse 21 though, let's examine verse 20 - "With the fruit of a man's mouth, his stomach will be satisfied. He will be satisfied with the product of his lips.: -Proverbs 18:20

Wherever you are in life right now is a result of the words you have spoken continually. You activated something in your life and it may not have been what you truly desired. To activate means to set in motion. Joshua was given an instruction by God to "voice activate" his own prosperity and success in life. "Keep this book of the law on your lips. Meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and succesful." - Joshua 1:8 God gave Joshua two simple steps to success in life: meditate and move out (to do). 

Whatever God has spoken to you, voice-activate it! Start talking about it! Meditate on it day and night! Decide to observe to do something with what has been spoken to you. If you will activate the word of God given to you, you will hear instructions as how to plan for it to come to pass. And plan you must. Then, once you plan, you must work (activate) the plan. Put it in motion.

Talk is cheap. Anybody and everybody does it. Action is expensive, but you cannot afford not to do it. Inactivity will cost you the vision. ACTIVATE!


As a marketplace apostle (that's what God called me), sisters, I am set in your midst to bring you to your wealthy place. I'm inviting you to a tele-class to be held on March 12, 2:00 pm to learn the secrets to your own personal success - in ministry or in business. Go to the website now and register for the class "Funding the Ministry From Within-Secrets to Divine Protection". 

Remember, you are not here to be average; you are here to be awesome!

Apostle Ej, Your marketplace Apostle