Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Do you have any idea...

Imagine your child comes to you and asks for money to go to the mall with friends or perhaps they need new shoes, new clothes or school fees. How would it make you feel if you never had to say "We can't afford it" ever again?

It's possible and it's made possible because of an idea. An idea whose time has come is the most powerful thing on planet earth. Everywhere you look, everything you see is the result of an “idea”. 

The car you drive, the place you live, the food you eat and anything else you can see with your eyes is the fruit of an idea. That is why the well-known entrepreneur Napoleon Hill could say, “Anything the mind can conceive, you can achieve.” Actually I believe it was Jesus who first said, “All things are possible to him who believes and nothing shall be impossible to them that believe.

If you have an idea, you are sitting on a gold mine, but like all gold mines, you have to pick up your tools and begin the “mining” process. Gold does not just leap from the ground into the jewelry store. Someone must dig for it; another will refine it and still a third will design it into a product so that it is appealing to you, the consumer. It is the same principle at work with the idea that you have. Every idea must have its process. It is amazing to me that once you begin the process of mining an idea, multiple streams of creativity open up to you and thus, you can create multiple streams of income from a single idea.

Many people despair because of a lack of money. Marriages are dissolved because of it; companies lay off workers and sometimes even go bankrupt because of it. Families are destroyed for the lack of it. The truth of the matter is “it is not that we have run out of money, but rather we have run out of ideas to make money.”- Suzanne Evans When I heard that concept, I shifted my mindset. I remembered the teaching in  the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad when it comes to money matters. Robert Kiyosaki teaches us to lose the mentality of “I can’t afford it” and replace it with “How can I afford it?” When we ask ourselves this question, we arouse our creative faculties, which generate ideas, and ideas generate income.

What is your mindset today? Do you ever look at a product or service and say, “I would but I can’t afford it?” If this is you, let me submit to you today that what you need is a fresh idea. Shift your mindset today. Ask yourself today, “How can I afford it? What can I do to obtain it? What are my options, really?”  If you can conceive it and believe it, you can have it.


This Thursday, I am offering a free tele-class on how YOU can make your passion your paycheck. I want to show you how to take what you already know, (your idea) and turn it into cash flow.  Be sure to sign up for it and invite someone you know who has “run out of money” to join you. 

 Sign up for "Make Your Passion Your Paycheck" here.

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Email us: successinlifeti@gmail.com

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