Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Few of My Favorite Things

Sorry, I've been away, totally consumed with finishing my book, "Apprehending the Kingdom". Now that it's done, I can catch up with all of you. Something wonderful happened to me yesterday so I'd like to share it with you. Here goes:

I like museums, art and architecture, Shakespeare and medieval movies with kings and queens and knights and such.

I like classical music and symphony orchestras.      

I like traveling to faraway places and experiencing new foods and meeting new people groups.

I’ve always wanted to go to an amphitheater and sit on the grass and watch a dramatic production or concert of some kind.

I like British TV and murder mysteries.

These are a few of my favorite things.

Yesterday when I was struggling to bring in the groceries, I stepped over a business card laying on the stoop. I wondered about it as I passed but of course my hands were full and I could not stop to pick it up. I thought about the fact that it looked brand new, fresh out of the box. I managed to throw myself and the groceries into the house and let out  a huge sigh of relief. But that card was there in the back of my mind. My sister came tumbling through the door with her load of groceries, letting me know that the heavy pork roast was still in the car waiting for me to carry it in. She had already declared that she was not about to do it. S.o I went out again and the card whispered to me, compelling me to pick it up. So I did. Across the top it read, “The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekov” along with the dates, time and location it was playing. I flipped it over and the top line read: “”. Did that say Shakespeare? And Sweet tea? Only in the south. I managed to rescue the heavy pork roast from the car and make my retreat back to the coolness of the house, clutching the card in my free hand.

Just before I turned the lights out for the night, I turned my laptop back on to find out what in the world sweet tea and Shakespeare had in common. I discovered that this group puts on theatrical shows outside where you have to bring your own blanket and sit in the grass or bring your own chair. It’s location read: @the museum on Cape Fear Historical Society. I could not believe my eyes. I had been wondering if there were any museums in our area but had not gotten around to searching them out. There, in my hand, I held the key to my heart’s desires. Well at least a few of them. I could have my museum, Shakespeare or other playwrights, outside in the grass. In addition to that, they served free sweet tea and lemonade. I closed my laptop and my eyes, and drifted off to sleep, very, very satisfied. My God really does give you the desires of your heart when you make him your first delight. 

Did I mention that I love history…?

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