Monday, August 17, 2015

Brandy Poole - Pointers for Success

 (Brandy Poole – Pointers for Success  were excerpted from a post I found in the Facebook group-Crowned Her! Step Into Your Purpose – Lifestyle Empowerment) The titles are written by Brandy Poole but the content is submitted by me. 

Define this week’s top three goals
Brandy Poole's Monday Checklist

Goal setting is paramount to being successful at whatever you desire to accomplish. This road map defines the steps you must take in order to arrive at your destination at the appointed time or rather to achieve the desired results. To prevent overloading your production circuit boards, try to keep the number of your weekly goals between three and four. This way, you are not overwhelmed with too many “things to do.” Some of us have a tendency to “withdraw” when we start to feel overwhelmed, telling ourselves that we need to take a break. That break often turns into “Procrastination” – not your friend. Do not try to achieve too many things at once.

Remember,Rome was not built in a day but rather brick by brick, steady as she goes. You will get there with consistent small manageable steps. This is your personal race. It’s not a sprint; it’s a marathon. Run it at your own pace.

Create a social media post schedule:

This is a powerful strategy because it allows you to set up an entire week’s worth of work at a single setting. This eliminates the power of distractions to take you away from your intended tasks for the week. I know that “distractions” is one of the hurdles I face in ministry and in business but a firm schedule keeps me on target.  Fortunately, with the new social media features that allow you to schedule a post, you can set up your posts for the day or for the week. Write out your posts while you are in that creative flow and you will never be stuck with what to post next. There is a specific time of day or night where my creativity flares up and numerous ideas of what to post come to me. If I decide to keep the title in a folder or file, I rarely go back to it. If I do manage to come across it again, I’ve lost the creative fuel that caused me to come up with the title in the first place. So, here’s a word to the wise: when you get that creative thought, go immediately to your social media outlet, write out your thoughts and schedule them for posting at a later time. Thankfully, with my blog, I can do the same thing.  Gotta love that “Schedule” feature. What a lifesaver!

Meet someone new and inspiring/network:

A great way to get “unstuck” in your business and to grow your community reach is to meet someone new and develop a relationship with them. Be interested in what’s happening in someone else’s life or business. If there is someone you are inspired by, try to connect with them and bask in the glow of their creativity. No one ever became great by himself or herself, despite the term “self-made”. We are created for connecting with other people. Come out of the shadows, stop hiding behind your excuses and your fears, and step into the light. You won’t meet with destiny by hiding in the shadows. In fact, you may be the “new and inspiring” one that someone else is looking to network with. The gifts and talents that we have been given are not for us. They have been designed specifically to give to others. So get out there and smile, be interested and be entertaining. Try being the person you’d like to meet. You just might surprise yourself.

Act of kindness for a loved one (or anyone)

Random acts of kindness are as rare as hen’s teeth. A random act of kindness is more powerful than you can imagine. Just suppose that the little act of kindness you do for someone- anyone- is actually the answer to their prayers. It may seem a small thing to you, but to the person you become a blessing to, it could mean the difference between hope and despair. Additionally, it is truly more blessed to give than to receive. Such a wonderful reward comes with knowing you were the one who made the difference in that person’s life today. Words cannot describe the joy of being a blessing to someone. For maximum reward, be sure you do this act of kindness, expecting nothing in return and with as little fanfare as possible. Be kind to someone who can offer you nothing in return, except maybe gratitude. What you do in secret, God rewards openly.

Take a new contact out for libation:

Now, Brandy used the term “libation” but I think I will alter this statement just a little as “libation” is usually poured in honor of a deity, a sort of “liquid sacrificial offering.” Why take a new contact out for a drink? It could be coffee as well as an alcoholic beverage, if that is your persuasion. But, the purpose is not the drink itself, but rather the conversation around that moment in time. It is one of the most basic of business activities and combines a social event with a business event. Many business deals have been closed around a casual conversation over drinks. People often relax and share their authentic selves over cocktails, especially when they are free.  When you treat someone, it puts a smile on their face and a “yes” in their hearts. Consider it an investment in your business, but by all means, be genuinely interested in what that person has to say (whether or not its business related). It’s the ultimate warm up or wrap up to a very good business deal.

Research your industry’s recent trends

This is by far my favorite point as given by Brandy Poole. In the words of a successful trainer, author and motivational speaker, Jim Rohn:

Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.”

The best thing you can do for your business is to stay current on what’s trending now. Did you know that if you read one book a month on your chosen field of industry, you would have the equivalent of an Associate’s Degree in that subject?

If you neglect to stay on top of your industry, you can be assured of being on the bottom of the success ladder. So get in there. Challenge yourself to read 100 books, with at least 12 of them being related to your industry. Never forget, “the more you learn, the more you earn.” – Jim Rohn

To get access to the FREE training video MAKE YOUR PASSION YOUR PAYCHECK, submit your best email in the contact form on this page,or email us at the address below.

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FaceBook: Success In Life Training Institute

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Earn 6 Years of Commission With One Sale

Money is looking for you, always. The thing you are seeking is always seeking you. The moment you move towards it, it starts moving towards you. Your desire for more attracts more.

If you know anything about affiliate marketing, you know it can take a lot of sales to create a substantial income, unless you are working with High Ticket Sales. FREE Online Webinar reveals the secret to High Ticket Commissions.

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Tune in this week to discover these secrets for FREE! Sit in tonight or tomorrow at 7pm eastern to get this tool that will make the difference between working harder and working smarter.

If you are the person who wants to make 4-figure commissions, register here.

Website: www.yourmarketplaceapostle
Facebook: @Success in Life Training Institute

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Do you have any idea...

Imagine your child comes to you and asks for money to go to the mall with friends or perhaps they need new shoes, new clothes or school fees. How would it make you feel if you never had to say "We can't afford it" ever again?

It's possible and it's made possible because of an idea. An idea whose time has come is the most powerful thing on planet earth. Everywhere you look, everything you see is the result of an “idea”. 

The car you drive, the place you live, the food you eat and anything else you can see with your eyes is the fruit of an idea. That is why the well-known entrepreneur Napoleon Hill could say, “Anything the mind can conceive, you can achieve.” Actually I believe it was Jesus who first said, “All things are possible to him who believes and nothing shall be impossible to them that believe.

If you have an idea, you are sitting on a gold mine, but like all gold mines, you have to pick up your tools and begin the “mining” process. Gold does not just leap from the ground into the jewelry store. Someone must dig for it; another will refine it and still a third will design it into a product so that it is appealing to you, the consumer. It is the same principle at work with the idea that you have. Every idea must have its process. It is amazing to me that once you begin the process of mining an idea, multiple streams of creativity open up to you and thus, you can create multiple streams of income from a single idea.

Many people despair because of a lack of money. Marriages are dissolved because of it; companies lay off workers and sometimes even go bankrupt because of it. Families are destroyed for the lack of it. The truth of the matter is “it is not that we have run out of money, but rather we have run out of ideas to make money.”- Suzanne Evans When I heard that concept, I shifted my mindset. I remembered the teaching in  the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad when it comes to money matters. Robert Kiyosaki teaches us to lose the mentality of “I can’t afford it” and replace it with “How can I afford it?” When we ask ourselves this question, we arouse our creative faculties, which generate ideas, and ideas generate income.

What is your mindset today? Do you ever look at a product or service and say, “I would but I can’t afford it?” If this is you, let me submit to you today that what you need is a fresh idea. Shift your mindset today. Ask yourself today, “How can I afford it? What can I do to obtain it? What are my options, really?”  If you can conceive it and believe it, you can have it.


This Thursday, I am offering a free tele-class on how YOU can make your passion your paycheck. I want to show you how to take what you already know, (your idea) and turn it into cash flow.  Be sure to sign up for it and invite someone you know who has “run out of money” to join you. 

 Sign up for "Make Your Passion Your Paycheck" here.

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