Friday, May 15, 2015

All Successful People Are...

Creatures of Habit.

I was walking through the house for 5 minutes in search of my water glass. I wanted that particular glass/cup because it has a straw in it and I drink more water when I use it. I traipsed back and forth down the short hallway, revisiting all the places I would normally set it down. It wasn't beside the couch. It wasn't beside the bed. It wasn't on the coaster on the dresser. It wasn't on the kitchen counter. I carved a small rut in the carpet as I repeated the cycle a number of times and was beginning to feel like something must really be wrong with me. Have you ever done that? 

I finally decided to use a different cup since I had no other option if I was to drink water.  As I tipped the cup up and leaned my head back to drink, I spied my favorite water glass. There it stood, in all of it’s glory, on the counter that divides the kitchen from the living room. What! I never put it there… normally. That just does not happen. Then I realized that I had passed the cup 5 or 6 times in my search and never saw it. It could only have been 5-12 inches from my shoulder as I walked by it repeatedly.

Now why didn’t I see it? It is because we are creatures of habit. I could not fathom that the glass would be any place other than where I always sit it down. Because of that belief, I was blinded to the obvious. Yet there it stood, patiently waiting to be reclaimed. If it would have had eyes, they would have rolled back in its head as I passed by it yet again.

We form habits by repeatedly doing the same thing.  We then wear a groove in our subconscious mind. Once we are “in the groove” so to speak, we can do or see nothing else because we are actually on autopilot, not thinking…just following the groove. We cease to be aware of our surroundings.

Success in life can also be put on autopilot but you must first cultivate a “success” habit. Mike Murdock teaches that your lack of success can be attributed to something you are doing or not doing in your daily routine.

Some success habits to cultivate each day:

1    1.       Have a written plan for the day
2.       Work in 15 minute bursts, walk away for 5 minutes and get back on it.
3.       Schedule activities on a time planner
4.       Schedule in some pleasure for the work day or week
5.       Keep your goals in plain sight of your work area

These are just a few things that you can do daily to create a Success Autopilot. What are your daily success habits? Consistency is the key.

You can also find me on on Waves of Glory every Tuesday morning at 10:00 am Eastern. We also have on-demand episodes available for download.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Virtuous Woman - A Market Place Mogul

Success in life is simply a matter of knowing who you are and what gifts you possess. Once that is determined, then just go out there and do it. God has given you everything that pertains to life and godliness.

 MarketPlace MogulOur emphasis this month for our Radio Blog (Waves of Glory)  is going to be The Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31. You will be amazed at how you relate to her. Since working on this topic, she has affected me deeply. The virtuous woman is a woman who lives life to the fullest in every area and does not fear the future because she knows her God and does exploits.

If you missed it, click on the picture to the right or any of the links above to listen now and let me know what you think.

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Apostle EJ
Your MarketPlace Apostle
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