Monday, May 12, 2014

Successful Living Today

Successful Living Today

There are many keys to success but the greatest of these is “seek ye first the kingdom of God and all
his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” You can do it the hard way and run after things and stress over money problems and the state of the economy, but I have found that if you do it God’s way, you prosper quicker and with more peace. As a kingdom citizen, we are on a different “system” for advancement and prosperity. The world’s system has been ingrained in us since our natural birth. We saw our parents model the world’s system for living. We watched them struggle with jobs that did not utilize their full potential nor did it pay them what they are worth. When we grew up, most of us followed the same pattern. Some of us went to college to end up in a job we hate simply because it’s what the world calls “a good job” with benefits.

What benefits are we truly gaining? What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? The stress levels in our bodies are wreaking havoc with our health. As a people, we are “sicker” than we have ever been. Our medicine cabinets look no different than those who are not kingdom citizens.

As you begin to seek the kingdom, the Spirit of God gives wisdom and revelation knowledge of God. The people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits.  The knowledge of God is the beginning of wisdom.  Wisdom has in her right hand long life and in her left hand, honor and riches. Your success is guaranteed.  God has a plan for your life, plans to prosper you and give you a hope and a future.

You owe it to yourself to give it a try. You've tried everything else and it’s not working. Why not give “kingdom seeking” a try? I’m not talking about seeking a religious lifestyle. Many religious people still have not seen the kingdom because they are still operating on the world’s system. The kingdom has it’s own system of operation and the benefits are out of this world.

Ask me how. I’m waiting to help you get in and begin experiencing the abundant life today.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Women Entrepreneurs

Women and Home-Based Business
An article in Forbes magazine heralds this news:
Entrepreneurship Is The New Women's Movement
Natalie MacNeil, Contributor

“A quiet revolution is taking shape right now among women. Unlike the Quiet Revolution that began in the 1970s which saw women leave the home and enter the workforce in droves, women today are leaving the workforce in droves in favor of being at home. But unlike generations of women before, these women are opting to work in the home not as homemakers—but as job-making entrepreneurs.
Women have been starting businesses at a higher rate than men for the last 20 years and tend to create home-based micro (less than 5 employees) and small businesses. Women will create over half of the 9.72 million new small business jobs expected to be created by 2018 and more and more are doing this from home offices across the country. It’s a surprising statistic, especially considering that women-owned businesses only created 16 percent of total U.S. jobs that existed in 2010.” – excerpt from Forbes Woman Magazine., June 2012 edition
To state it simply, according to Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, an entrepreneur is:  a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order ot make money.  According to Natalie in the Forbes article above, “a quiet revolution is taking shape right now among women.”
Here at the YoungEntrepreneurs Network (YEN), we are all about promoting that revolution among women as they find their niche in the marketplace. We know that you can take any gift or talent that you have and turn it into a viable business venture.
Sia Austin, Cakestasy
Our featured female entrepreneur for the month of April 2014 is Sia Austin, owner of Cakestasy,   In the words of Ms. Austin,  Cakestasy is "dedicated to creating extraordinary specialty cakes and desserts made from the finest ingredients with precision, attention, and care. We produce desserts that taste like none our customers have ever sampled before, but that overwhelm their senses with homemade familiarity."
Ms. Austin is one of the first to join the YEN's network of entrepreneurs and we are delighted to have her on board. We would like for you to visit her website and take advantage of the delicious goodies she has to offer. Visit her "baker's" blog entitled “Cake Like Me”. If laughter is the best medicine, you can get your dose from her. Go ahead, “have your cake and eat it too.” Warmest welcome and thank you to Sia Austin of Cakestasy. Feast your eyes now. Click on the link to enjoy a little slice of heaven.